
Planetary annihilation torrent fix
Planetary annihilation torrent fix

  1. Planetary annihilation torrent fix how to#
  2. Planetary annihilation torrent fix drivers#

So I came to the discussion to search for help.

planetary annihilation torrent fix

When that didn't work I uninstalled and reinstalled the Planetary Annihilation local files, still didn't work. Okay so when I downloaded the game It crashed immediately when I first launched it "PA.exe has stopped responding" Naturally the first thing I do when a Steam game doesn't work is check integrity of game cache. This process will take less than five minutes assuming your internet speed is good. I am also going to say what I did and in what order. I'm going to try to dumb this down for lack of a better term because I am aware not everyone excels greatly with computer knowledge. THIS IS HOW I RESOLVED MY "PA.exe has stopped working" ISSUE. If you're still having problems, open up individual threads in the Bugs / Technical Issues forum, but for general tips, please post in this thread. Some of our users/moderators, like SXX, will probably help you have your problem solved in five seconds, but I also wanted at least one pinned topic about this to help focus general questions. If you're crashing, please start in this thread. Google searches can find most of the rest of what you need.

Planetary annihilation torrent fix how to#

To do that depends on your card and drivers, but Stack Overflow has a great article on how to go about doing it. If you click on them and see two different video cards (Say, Nvidia and Intel or AMD/ATI and Intel), in addition to making sure BOTH driver sets are up to date, you're also almost always going to be better off using the ATI or Nvidia chip. Those top two tabs are more important if you're on a laptop.

Planetary annihilation torrent fix drivers#

If that date is older than about 6 months from the time you're reading this, there's a solid chance your drivers are too old. See the highlighted sections? The most important one is the Date field. We don't use it for much, but it is required, and also, in this case, helpful! All versions will find and run it, as long as you have Direct X installed. Run dxdiag.exe (Vista through windows 8.1, simply hit the start button, and type "dxdiag.exe". The way to determine if your drivers are out of date is:ġ. There's a 95% chance your drivers are out of date, or you have a laptop that has two video chips (integrated and discrete), or both. :) Otherwise, you wouldn't be hearing about. So, if you've seen this message, a few things can be assumed about your setup.ġ.

Planetary annihilation torrent fix